Art of Friendship Social Skills Tip # 1: The Unwritten Social Contract
This social lesson establishes the very foundation for any successful relationship and group. It holds friendship, marriages, teams, and all of society together. THE TEAM FOR FUN. The contract is: “We will try to stay close together in (friendship, teamwork, relationship etc.), by keeping each other happy and comfortable.”
You alternate two jobs on the Contract. Half the time you are responsible for keeping yourself happy, regulated, and comfortable. You do this by using learnable tools: assertiveness, flexibility, self-regulation, and problem-solving.
The other half of the time, you are responsible for keeping others happy and comfortable. You do this by using learnable skills of perspective taking, generosity, flexibility, and negotiation-compromise.
Most people (but not all) follow the Social Contract, and you can help yourself by signing on!
Onward and upward! --Mike