Enrolling in The Art of Friendship Social Skills Program is as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!
Alert our Client Care Coordinator of your interest in the program.
Please take 5 minutes to complete the simple form that asks about your child’s age, which of our office locations you prefer, as well as your schedule availability. We also ask a number of social skills questionnaire questions about your child’s social strengths and needs. We will review your responses to the social skills questionnaire within a few days and let you know if we have a potential group with a well fitting peer group for your child. If we have a potential group for your child, move to step two…
Speak with the therapist who facilitates the social skills group that is a potential fit for your child.
Our social skills therapist will tell you about the program and answer all your questions. Our therapist will ask follow- up questions to the social skills questionnaire and get to know your child’s strengths, needs, and developmental history. Together, the therapist and you mutually explore whether the other group participants are a good developmental fit for your child’s needs. If things look promising, you’ll move to step three when your child meets the therapist…
Your child meets with the therapist to get to know each other to confirm a good fit & promote a successful start.
In this session the child meets the therapist for the first time - outside of the group context. We simultaneously help your child adjust to the new group and confirm that the group members will likely be a successful fit. We conduct a mock-group session, familiarizing your child with the activities in a typical session and making them feel safe and comfortable. Simultaneously, the therapist assesses your child’s energy and social engagement and coping style. If this session confirms a successful match your child joins the group!
What if, at any step in the 3-step process, it seems as though the group is NOT a good fit for your child?
Please don’t take it personally! It’s not a criticism of your child; we simply don’t have a well-fitting peer group at this time. You and we want the same thing: a successful social skill development experience for your child. If any step in our admission procedure results in a concern that the proposed peer group will not successfully meet your child’s needs, then we will suggest other options. Other groups at the Art of Friendship may be a better fit (if your schedule is flexible), or we can try to build a new group around your child’s needs (if our therapists have flexibility in their schedule). If we can’t place your child in an appropriate group within a month, we apologize, but we don’t keep a waiting list. We encourage you to contact us in several months to see if our groups have changed.